Apply For Your Official Trick Dog Titles
Congratulations on Earning Your Trick Dog Title!
Fill Out the Form on the DMWYD Website:
and pay the $19.99 Processing Fee & $1.80 Shipping
I'm happy to fill it out for you and get your certificate
sent to your house. Just let me know!
You can PayPal me the processing & shipping of
PayPal: K9MannersMatter
(please use friends and family)
See instructions below to know how to fill out the form!
First Your Details:
Dog's Call Name: what you call your dog during training
Dog's Full Name:
I like to do first and last names
Handler Name: your name
Title Level:
pick the level you've most recently attained
K9 Manners Matter group class clients receive a ribbon at graduation. Those who are Spark Team Members can select Certificate and Ribbon if you want both for an extra fee of $3.95 for the ribon.
Date Last Trick Performed:
date I witnessed last trick
CTDI Instructor:
Colleen Lange
Select, I Do Not Need Staff CTDI to Witness my video
Facebook Spark Team:
K9 Manners Matter
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Check off the tricks you have had me witness & click add to cart!