K9 Manners Level 4
In Level 4:
In level 4 we're becoming less dependent on high value treats for learned behaviors and increasing the level of distractions
By the end of Level 4, you'll have earned your “Advanced Trick Dog Title”

What's Covered in Level 4?
​Advancing Skills
Touch / Come
Heel Walking
Excite / Settle
Puppy Pushups
Go Say Hello
Back Turned – sit & down
Place multiple marks
3 minute settle
New Manners / Skills
middle walk
middle down
middle reverse
3 minute settle with stranger
accepting approaching stranger
accepting stranger with dog apporaching
walking through a crowd
Advanced Trick Title
(5 tricks)
Back - up
distance work (3 things at 10 feet)
jumping figure 8's
play dead
say your prayers
easy button
Each dog and handler team work at their own pace, so if you miss a class, you aren't really "behind".
However, each class has "Homework Goals" for where to be at with your skills by the next class, that get slightly more difficult each week and include new things.
The idea here is to exceed the training level required to pass the level. So just because this is the list to pass the level itself, it doesn't mean that's where we stop learning. If you're past the level on a certain behavior, practice it at whatever level you want to continue improving.
Please keep in mind we are still refining our Higher Levels, so the requirements are subject to change.
Skills to Move Up to Level 5
Below is what each handler and dog team must be able to show in a group setting to move up to Level 5.